Saturday, June 1, 2019

Things I Will Never Understand About Living in Central Pennsylvania

There are some things I will never understand about living in Central Pennsylvania, in spite of having lived here since 1988.  (Also, I grew up in central New Jersey, which you wouldn't have thought was that far from here, but in fact, in many ways it's like night and day.)  Anyway, here's a short list:

• The abomination that is chicken and waffles.  What the serious hell.
• Not using a turn signal until after having begun the turn. Or the lane change.
• Using the expression "a while" when you mean "now," as in a food server asking you, "What can I get you to drink a while?"
• Taking three times as long to make a left turn as it does to turn right.  Like it's a separate career.
• Sauerkraut
• Pennsylvania Dutch everything, especially those coded hex signs.
• The incredibly divisive issue that is Shoo Fly Pie.  Wet bottom, or dry?  Choose carefully.
• The deep south Bible-belt flavor of the area, sandwiched as it is between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
• Holding the State Fair (aka the Farm Show) in January.
• Chicken Pot Pie which is neither pie, nor in a pot, nor does it have a crust.  It's chicken and veggies in a cream sauce with big fat noodles.  At least it's chicken.

This is my home.  I do love it.