Wednesday, May 23, 2018

NFL and the Anthem

Today the NFL owners, with ZERO input from the players' union, laid down their new policy with regard to taking the knee during the National Anthem at NFL games.  I hope it winds up in the courts real soon, because it sure as hell looks like an infringement on freedom of speech to me.

Basically, the policy states that players must stand for the anthem, or remain in the locker room.  No disrespect for the anthem or the flag will be tolerated, and teams ignore the policy at their peril.  Violators WILL be fined.  I assume this means both teams and individuals.

I should have expected a response this tone-deaf from a bunch of rich white guys, but even in this age of Trump, I keep hoping for the best from people.  And I keep being disappointed by them.

First of all, taking the knee during the national anthem has absolutely nothing to do with the flag.  Let's state this again:  Taking the knee during the national anthem has absolutely nothing to do with disrespecting the American flag.

Players, particularly those of color, began taking the knee during the anthem as a way of pointing out the inequities in American society, especially within the justice system, which inordinately and negatively affect people of color.  Those broad stripes and bright stars are not the same for everybody, and the players got sick of pretending that they are, especially since they the ones essentially providing gladiatorial entertainment for the American masses.

Recent tragic events provide a classic example of what I mean.  The tragedy at the Texas high school this week which resulted in eight dead students and two dead faculty was perpetrated by a white man.  A white man, in a long black trenchcoat, armed.  Yet law enforcement managed to take him alive.  Contrast that with the tragedy of Philando Castile, who did not survive a TRAFFIC STOP, despite being calm and polite and compliant.  Compare that with Milwaukee Bucks player Sterling Brown who was tased and arrested over a parking violation.

No white family I know of has to have "the talk" with their children on how to survive an encounter with police.  Police for white kids are their friends and someone to turn to in time of trouble.  To a kid of color, they are a hazard to be negotiated, or a danger that many do not survive.

I believe that the players have a right to protest their views in any way that seems fit to them.  I believe that their right to free speech and free expression has been grossly infringed upon by this new policy.  I realize that during this age of jingoism and Trump, to force players to either stand or remove themselves has great appeal for the Trump base, who probably also watch a lot of football.  It doesn't make it right.

While I have never been a huge fan of football, for a variety of reasons both personal and political, I will be boycotting the game and its sponsors until this egregious infringement on the right of free speech is rescinded.  This should not be allowed to stand, folks.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Lies, I Tell You! It's All Lies!

(photo courtesy of the League of American Bicyclists)

I imagine that most of us have seen Facebook's new advertisements, either online or on television, about how things were good and then went wrong, but now they're going to make it all better by getting back to basics and connecting us as friends again.


I manage the Facebook page for one of my local choral groups, Harrisburg's River City Singers.  (Hence the picture of the Susquehanna River above!)  It's part of my duties as secretary for the board of the RCS, and it is the only reason I maintain a FaceBook account.  I have long since deleted my personal information and personal photos from FaceBook.  But I can't be an admin for the RCS page without an account, so until a new board and new officers take over, I'm stuck.

I can, however, tell you that managing this page has been an eye-opening experience.  And then some.

On an almost daily basis, I receive messages and notifications from FaceBook on how I can expand the range of the River City Singers posts for a small fee.  We have a concert coming up this Sunday, and just now FaceBook offered to "boost" my event to 13K accounts for a mere $30.

We rehearse and perform in a small UCC church.  It seats maybe 150 people.  We use the church not because of any religious affiliations or reasons, but because the RENT IS FREE and they let us use the hall for performances FOR NOTHING.  We don't even have to split the take when we pass the hat.  The $30 that FB wants would by sheet music for ten of our members.

In short, we are a small local group, building a nice following through word of mouth, and do not in any way, shape or form need to spam 13,000 fellow FaceBook users.  The fact that FaceBook itself is incessantly asking us to do so reveals the depth of their insincerity.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

A Big Ol' Thank You!

Thanks to every asshole out there who assumed that we all stood in line for the first showing of "Avengers: Infinity War" and published their thoughts, their plot analyses, and their lists of who did what and who didn't this past week.  I feel like I've already seen the movie, and now, if I choose to go, it'll feel like an old comfortable friend, with no surprises whatsoever.  I'm sure glad I waited for the crowds to die down a little before I go!!